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<strong>Applicable Releases:</strong> caArray 2.3.1

<strong>Date entered:</strong> May 14, 2010


caArray Installation

question}}Question: Where to download caArray 2.3.1 GUI Installer? {{questionEnd

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The GUI-based installer: caarray_gui_distribution_2_3_1_1.jar for caArray version is not on gForge at the moment. It can be downloaded by following the steps below:

For browser based download:

  1. Got to: ftp://caftpd.nci.nih.gov/pub/
  2. If there is any login required, use username = anonymous
  3. Select folder: caARRAY
  4. Right click on file caarray_gui_distribution_2_3_1_1.jar
  5. Select "Save Link As" to save the file

The full path for the file is:


For command line based ftp client download:

  1. FTP to ftp server: caftpd.nci.nih.gov with command: FTP caftpd.nci.nih.gov
  2. If there is any login required, use username = anonymous
  3. open folder: pub with command: cd pub
  4. open folder: caARRAY with command: cd caARRAY
  5. List the content of the caARRAY directory: ls -alt
  6. Download the GUI installer by using command:

    get the file caarray_gui_distribution_2_3_1_1.jar

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