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release=caArray 2.3.X and above

entrydate=Feburary 14, 2011

topic=caArray Installation/Upgrade

*How to increase time-out period when running CQL queries? *

Related forum posting


The first option is to set a longer timeout on the client side. This requires a code change of a java file in the caGrid 'data' project. Here are the steps to make the code change:

*In your caGrid distribution,find:


*In this class, find the createPortType method;
*Just before the "return port;" line add the following with your timeout value specified:

((Stub) port).setTimeout(<YOUR_TIMEOUT_IN_MSECS>); 

The second option is to extend DataServiceClient.java in your own project and override createPortType() to establish the port using a configurable timeout.
A feature request has been sent to the caArray development team to make this parameter easier to configure in the future.

