If your user account has the Own permission level on a collection or a data file, you can manage permissions on that data. 

If your user account has the system administrator role, you can manage permissions on any collections or data files.

To manage permissions:

  1. Use one of the following methods to locate the permissions icon for a collection or file:
  2. Click the permissions icon (The permissions icon.). The Permissions page appears. 
  3. Consider sharing the data with one or more users or groups: 
    1. At the bottom of the page, click Add Permission. The Add Permission dialog box appears. 
      The Add Permission dialog box.
      Specify whether you want to share the data with users or groups. 
    2. In the User or Group field, start typing a value:
      • In the User field, start typing a user's first name, last name, or user ID. The system suggests names of matching users as you type. Select one of the suggested names. Repeat this process to add additional users. 
      • In the Group field, start typing a group name. The system suggests names of matching groups as you type. Select one of the suggested names. Repeat this process to add additional groups. 
    3. In the Permissions field, select OwnWrite, or Read.
    4. Click Save. The system adds the selected users or groups to the list on the Permissions page and displays a message to indicate whether the permissions for the collection or file were updated successfully. 
  4. Consider changing the permission setting for a user or group:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. In the row for the user or group of interest, select the permission level you want that user or group to have. The following table describes each permission level: 

    3. Click Save. The system displays a message to indicate whether the permissions for the collection or file were updated successfully. Also, the system sorts the list alphabetically by type (group or user) and then by name. If you had changed the permission level for a user or group to None, that user or group disappears from the list. 

  5. Ask the specified user or group of users to log out of DME and log in again.