Once your Okta account has been created, and the multifactor authentication has been configured, you will be able to login to CTRP.

For External users:

  1. Navigate to the CTRP home page at https://trials.nci.nih.gov. For browser information, refer to Browser Support.
  2. Enter your username and password and click the "Sign In" button, upon successful login, the CTRP homepage will launch.

    (Need verification if the help menu will be removed in Prod)

  3. The "Please choose a CTRP site" list box will contain all the applications your account has been granted access to, select the desired application.
    (Verify if we should show all applications in the dropdown or just Registration and Accrual)

For NIH Users

NIH users (anyone with an email address ending in "@mail.nih.gov" or "@nih.gov") Okta has been integrated with iTrust. NIH users will bet directed to iTrust authentication and redirected to the site once completed.

  1. Navigate to the CTRP home page at https://trials.nci.nih.gov. For browser information, refer to Browser Support.
  2. Select the "NIH Login" button, the iTrust authentication page launches