The information on this page represents the experience of an NBIA user. It is not meant to apply to all users.

Install OpenLdap

  1. Install OpenLdap on Ubuntu.

    These instructions are based on Ubuntu 18.04.

  2. In a terminal window, issue the following commands:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
  3. In a terminal window, then issue the following command.

    sudo apt install slapd ldap-utils
  4. Modify the default Directory Information Tree (DIT) suffix by changing the DIT to fit your company's network needs. For example,  dc=smab,dc=org. To do so, issue the following command.

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd
  5. Enter the administrator's password.
  6. Add initial data to the LDAP database from a file and create a single entry. In a terminal window, issue the following command.

    vi ldap_data.ldif
    dn: ou=People,dc=smab,dc=org
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: People
    dn: ou=Groups,dc=smab,dc=org
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: Groups
    dn: cn=DEPARTMENT,ou=Groups,dc=smab,dc=org
    objectClass: posixGroup
    cn: SUBGROUP
    gidNumber: 5000
    dn: uid=nciadevtest,ou=People,dc=smab,dc=org
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    uid: nciadevtest
    sn: Last name
    givenName: First name
    cn: nciadevtest
    displayName: Name
    uidNumber: 10000
    gidNumber: 5000
    userPassword: password
    gecos: Whole Name
    loginShell: /bin/bash
    homeDirectory: USERDIRECTORY

    In this .ldif file, we created 2 organizationalUnit . One is People, the other is Groups.
    Also add the entities for these OU. One entity is nciadevtest for the NBIA. The uid and cn must be this name. Because NBIA use cn to do the authentication be default. Some software use uid to do the authentication.

  7. Add the entities to LDAP server:
    ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,dc=smab,dc=org -W -f ldap_data.ldif
  8. After adding these entities, we can use this command to search the exist record. You can use the network loop IP address to test or use the real IP address.

    ldapsearch -x -LLL -h -p 389 -D cn=admin,dc=smab,dc=org -w smab123456 -b dc=smab,dc=org 'uid=nciadevtest' cn givenName gidNumber 
    dn: uid=nciadevtest,ou=People,dc=smab,dc=org
    givenName: XIAOHUI
    cn: nciadevtest
    gidNumber: 5000
    ldapsearch -x -LLL -h -p 389 -D cn=admin,dc=smab,dc=org -w smab123456 -b dc=smab,dc=org 'cn=nciadevtest' uid givenName gidNumber
    dn: uid=nciadevtest,ou=People,dc=smab,dc=org
    uid: nciadevtest
    givenName: XIAOHUI
    gidNumber: 5000
  9. Final configuration. After we install the openldap and add the records. We got the LDAP server configuration below.

    Title Value
    Base DN smab,dc=org
    Bind Admin admin,dc=smab,dc=org
    Bind Password Smab123456
    User name for NBIA nciadevtest

LDAP administrator client.

  1. To add/modify/remove the records in LDAP server, we can use several tools to do that.
    On Linux server, we can use phpldapadmin to maintain LDAP server. Here is the instructions.
    Install phpldapadmin
    BTW, phpldapadmin is not updated. There are some errors with php7.0 +.
  2. You also can use a Windows LDAP client to access the remote LDAP server.
    We are using Softerra ldap administrator, which is a very user friendly software to maintain remote LDAP server.

How to use Softerra LDAP Administrator

  1. Create a new profile
  2. Add the server host (IP or domain), Base DN and port
  3. Add the bind admin information.

You can use LDAP client to create/delete/modify the entities with this information. Otherwise, you only have the read permission.


  1. The OpenLdap can be installed on Ubuntu Server. The phpldapadmin also can work. The ldapsearch also can search the user information.
    But when I tried to use LDAP client to access this LDAP server. The connection is timeout. There is no any response from LDAP server even if I enabled all ports.
    I think the reason is the Ubuntu Server is blocked the LDAP be default (Maybe firewall reason). Currently, I haven’t find the way to solve this issue yet.
  2. When I installed OpenLDAP on Ubuntu (Desktop version). All LDAP function works by default. There is no any issues. I can use any LDAP client tool to access the remote LDAP server, which is on Ubuntu Desktop.

NBIA LDAP settings.

1. In (Tomcat7.0/lib/

ldap.pass=smab123456,devTeam,nlst,testGroup User
ldap.user and ldap.pass must be the administrator information of LDAP server.
3. In jaas.conf (Tomcat7.0/conf/jaas.conf)
{ Required
NOTE that:
The jaas.conf is generated during the NBIA installation. The default ldapUserIdLabel is ‘cn’, which means the LDAP server will search ‘cn’ value, then compare to the login username. If the user name is exist in LDAP server, the LDAP server will do the authentication for this user.
Some LDAP server may use other field to store the login username like ‘uid’. So we have to change this value to ‘uid’ if the LDAP server use this field to store username.

After changing that, we have to restart the Tomcat to take effect.