

ICDC Team 


Liked (smile) 

  • List anything that went well in this sprint including shout out to others that went out of their way to help (add your name after your comment)

  • ICDC has a FY22 Roadmap that has been approved by our Federal Lead (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • We were able to recover and restore access to buckets within a day with close coordination with CBIIT. (Mukherjee, Amit (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • We added new AWS products to CBIIT's tech orbit while making ICDC platform more secure. (Mukherjee, Amit (NIH/NCI) [C] )
  • Great work in integrating Data Dictionary / Model Viewer in to ICDC. (Sheth, Karan (NIH/NCI) [C] ) (Rana, Ambar (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • Introduction & Implementation new tab for Study Files in Dashboard ( Sheth, Karan (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • Integration of Data Dictionary and the creation of an NPM package. (Udosen, Toyo (NIH/NCI) [C] )
  • Liked data verification for new studies that were suppose to be loaded
  • Liked the flow of communication and team work (Laxmi Lolla) 

Lacked (sad)


  • List anything you learned about in this sprint (add your name after your comment)
  • All the things to help me hopefully pass the PMP exam, including much more about Agile methodologies and how to better empower my team members (Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C])
  • How to fix an error that was arising from the use of a 3rd party library that depends on react-redux. (Udosen, Toyo (NIH/NCI) [C] )
  • Apollo/GraphQL cache query (Rana, Ambar (NIH/NCI) [C])


  • @mention a person to assign them an action item