Drafting content for DSRMWS-1385 (from email) and for DSRMWS-31 (from Jira comments). 

The following page lists the available REST APIs:


For example, the "Get Form Data with Collections" API accepts a Form ID and Protocol ID as input and returns all the components of the form: Form information, Modules, Questions, and Valid Values, including all instructions for each section of the form.

Example page 


(TBD: Is there someone who can add an example URL for example 14, so I can resolve the TBD in caDSR II - caDSR APIs?)

Data Element Example


Forms Example


Forms Example with Protocol

https://cadsrapi-dev.cancer.gov/caDSR/GetXML?query=Form[Protocol[@preferredName=C3D ADOPTER TEMPLATES],@publicId=2392775]

REST API Example
