

Committee MemberPresentAbsent

Gregory Tawa
William Hendriks
Matthew BreenX
Roel VerhaakX


Outstanding Action items

Discussion items

Testing Access to Files in SharePoint
New Data Submission Request: Inhaled IL-15 Immunotherapy for Treatment of Lung Metastases
Test case for Osteosarcoma data from candidate publication list will be recommended to the SAC when clinical metadata is received
Data Use Guidelines (DUG) and Intellectual Policy StatementKuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Study Updates
  • 15 TB of data transfer from UGA is complete
  • Study Released on 2/28/22: UBC01 - Antitumor Activity and Molecular Effects of Vemurafenib in Dogs with BRAF-mutant Bladder Cancer
    • Adds 170 files (~320 GB)
  • UBC01 & UBC02 share 7 canines, 3 tumor bearing dogs and 4 controls, this activates multi-study matching on production.

Minutes (Not Verbatim)

WK - How do we get other ICs involved in participating in ICDC expansion? Maybe a working group for data integration for ICDC? Greg is a rep for NCATS.

MB - Potentially formalize the plan in the minutes of Steering Committee, formalize an action item for Toby and others.

WK - Expand lifespan of companion animals, perhaps there can be a coalition. 

MB - Business plan for ICDC including aims, costs, etc. Invite the involvement of other ICs

WK - Is the nanostring data/devices able to produce whole transcriptome data? (Nanostring recently released software update that enables whole transcriptome data).

Action items