Google Analytics Report:

Activities completed this month

Planned for next month
  • MIDRC Challenge 0 which will feature docker submissions as well as the Image Comparator app and a jupyter notebook for annotator analysis. - Still waiting on credits for Azure use.
    • UPDATE (01_31_2022): we have credits but again now we need a risk assessment for Partners IT to accept this set of credits.
    • UPDATE (02_28_2022): submitted the risk assessment but still no word on resources
  1. Continue getting CodaLab running on NCI's network and VMs:
    1. Issues:
      1. Credentials for AWS bucket not active and we cannot talk to the bucket. Need to reach out to Tony Bigham ( to get those refreshed. 
      2. On my local machine I deployed the updated CodaLab code and tried connecting to my own S3 bucket instance. I noticed that there is a javascript error making the request to the bucket. I need to setup up a similar but more simple setup to figure out how to upload data to s3 via javascript http requests so that I can trouble shoot the error on NCI's system and or mine. If we could use Azure, this might be resolved.
    2. UPDATE (01_31_2022): May have a work around with a storage service called MINIO.

Bi-weekly Meeting #1


Bi-weekly Meeting #2



Launched TrueCT Challenge (


Launched SIRPRISE Challenge (


Task in Progress

Launching DL-Sparse Challenge from Emil soon. This is version 2.






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