h1. {page-info:title}

The CBIIT Project Status Review of EVS on July 18, 2011, included summary overviews of project use and {highlight:color=yellow}resources,{highlight} with links to more detailed information including the [Overview of Use and Collaborations wiki page|https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/x/FgAJAg]. Additional detail was requested to characterize specific users, the extent and nature of use of specific resources, and the costs associated with those resources. This was provided in a [Supplemental Details (August 5, 2011)|https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/download/attachments/34144278/EVS+Use+Suppl+Details+2011-08-05+for+wiki.docx] document being posted in wiki format here.

The following information is included:
