4.7. Back on the 'Edit Sample Mappings' page, the filename of the mapping file you just opened is now displayed to the right of the 'Choose File' button from step 4.5.

While the 'Edit Sample Mappings' page lists all the samples from your source (both mapped and unmapped), it doesn't indicate which of these samples came from cases and which came from controls.

Since this information may be considered important to your study, we need a way of distinguishing between the cases and controls. The way that caIntegrator addresses this need is with a 'control training file' that lists the sample IDs of all the controls. Any sample that is not listed in this file comes from a case. The screenshot below shows a portion of an example training file in CSV format from a Microsoft Excel 2007 window.

screenshot illustrating step

A portion of a control training file listing the sample IDs of all the controls from our example data source. You don't need to understand the format or nomenclature of the sample IDs – they were generated by the instrument or technician who ran the samples.