

Committee MemberPresentAbsent


Elaine Ostrander

Deborah Knapp
Jeff Trent

Dawn Duval

Amy Leblanc
Heather Gardner
Cheryl LondonX
Christina Mazcko
Paula Jacobs

Renee Chambers

Shaying Zhao

William Hendricks

Sunetra Das

Outstanding Action Items


Agenda ItemWhoNotes
BPSC Review Article: Tools & Resources for the Canine Genomic LandscapeGroup Discussion

Draft-ICDC Best Practices Review Article.docx




Dawn Duval, Cheryl London, Heather Gardner

CanFam Genomes: Overview

Elaine Ostrander, Gina Kuffel

CanFam Genomes: Challenges

Elaine Ostrander, Gina Kuffel

Data Repositories

Gina Kuffel

Cloud Resources

Gina Kuffel

Available Tools: Standard Pipelines

Shaying Zhao

Available Tools: MHC genotyping

Shaying Zhao

Available Tools: Breed Prediction Pipeline

Shaying Zhao

Emerging Technologies & Resources: Single Cell

Debbie Knapp, Cheryl London, Heather Gardner

Emerging Technologies & Resources: Spatial Transcriptomics

Debbie Knapp, Cheryl London, Heather Gardner

Emerging Technologies & Resources: nCounter Assay

Debbie Knapp, Cheryl London, Heather Gardner

Emerging Technologies & Resources: Dependency Mapping

Debbie Knapp, Cheryl London, Heather Gardner

Emerging Technologies & Resources: Liquid Biopsy

Debbie Knapp, Cheryl London, Heather Gardner

Supplementary Materials: KPR de novo assembler and genotyper

Shaying Zhao

Supplementary Materials: Breed prediction and validation pipeline

Shaying Zhao

Meeting Minutes (Not Verbatim)

CL - In the process of editing, will plan to complete by Thanksgiving.

TH - I plan to edit the first and second week of December.

PJ - Please send to me once Cheryl and Toby have completed virtual edits.

TH - Next ICDC TO will need to be in place by June, there were not many RFI responses, however the focus groups provided sufficient information.

CL - Digital pathology will be important for spatial transcriptomics. We have path on all cases tied to the U01s. 

PJ - The TCIA accepts digital pathology from canine and humans.

TH - Give members an appropriate time to leave committee if no longer available/interested.

Action items