To create a page with a table of contents, add your headings and text. Enter the maxLevel equal to the highest numbered heading you want to see in the table of contents and the minLevel equal to the lowest numbered heading you want to see, for example, {toc:maxLevel=4|minLevel=2}. Delete this instruction and any extra headings.


The goal of this project is to address JIRA items and provide maintenance and support for LexEVS 6.0.  


Additional documentation for the project will be added throughout the lifecycle of the project. Also all LexEVS final release documentation is located on the VKC Wiki at: 

Monthly Status Reports

Each month a technical status report is sent to SAIC-F and CBIIT management. Please see the status reports below.  If you have any questions please contact Traci St.Martin or Craig Stancl.

Weekly Meeting Notes

NCI/Mayo Weekly Technical calls are held every Wednesday from 2-3pm EDT. The meeting notes are attached below.  If you have any questions please contact Traci St.Martin at