MySQL Properties Settings

These properties are usually located in the file {MYSQL_HOME}/my.ini.

Property Name



Flush the transaction logs at each commit.
Value: It is highly recommended that this option be set to '0' in Windows installations to improve load performance.


Additional memory pool that is used by InnoDB to store metadata information.
Value: 16M


Buffer pool used to cache both indexes and row data.
Value: 1G (consider going higher based on physical RAM available and full terminology sets might benefit from as high as 14G)


Maximum size for internal (in-memory) temporary tables.
Value: 256M


Query cache is used to cache SELECT results and later return them without actually executing the same query once again.
Value: 64M


This buffer is allocated when MySQL needs to rebuild the index in REPAIR, OPTIMZE, ALTER table statements as well as in LOAD DATA INFILE into an empty table.
Value: 16M

MySQL Properties Guide

There are some commands that we have found useful in the MySQL environment. You can investigate this database software more at the MySQL web site.

Creating a database within the software can be done via the command line. The target database should be created with a default character set encoding of UTF-8. First log in as the MySQL user with create, write, update and delete permissions. This could be "root" that you created during the install of MySQL or another user you have created since then.

To see that you have indeed created a database you can see them listed with this command:

If you have root or administrator access to your server you can change the password for the root user ID if you have forgotten or lost it.

Try the following values in the lbconfig.props file for the DB_URL:


This uses Windows Named Pipe function and avoids use of the TCP/IP protocol. It only works when connecting with a local iteration of the MySQL database on Windows.