
This guide describes environment configuration principles and practices from the perspective of an existing LexEVS installation. The information applies to LexEVS v.6.0


Levels of Administrative Options

LexEVS provides three levels of administration options for the user:

Advanced Administration Topics

LexEVS has advanced administration options for vocabulary administration

LexEVS 6.0 Administration Guide Sections

Below is a listing of the sections of the LexEVS Administration Guide. Please either choose the link below to the section you would like to review or see the Navigation box

I. Administering LexEVS with the LexEVS GUI

This section describes administration using the GUI tool.

II. Administering LexEVS with the Command Line

This section describes administration using the command line.

III. LexEVS Management and Administration API

This section describes management and administration API.

IV. Advanced Vocabulary Administration Issues

This section describes advanced vocabulary administration issues.

Related documents

Basic LexEVS installation and configuration administration is handled in the
LexEVS Installation Guide