Q. What is LexBIG?

LexBIG is a project that applies LexGrid vision and technologies to requirements of the caBIG® community. The goal of the project is to build a vocabulary server accessed through a well-structured application programming interface (API) capable of accessing and distributing vocabularies as commodity resources. Primary objectives for the project include:

Q. How do I install the LexBIG software?

Refer to the Installation and Administration Guide, which can be downloaded from the Files tab of the GForge project.

Q. How do I load vocabularies into LexBIG?

Content can be loaded using either the administrative functions provided by the LexBIG Graphical User Interface (GUI) or counterpart command-line scripts. Refer to the Installation and Administration Guide, which can be downloaded from the Files tab of the GForge project or referenced in the /doc folder of the installed materials.

Q. How do I access LexBIG vocabularies in my programs?

Refer to the Programmer Guide, which can be downloaded from the Files tab of the GForge project or found in the /doc folder of the installed materials.

Q. Once LexBIG is deployed onto the server and content is loaded, what is the best way to interact with it?

LexBIG services are delivered as middleware. Refer to the previous question if the goal is to interact through a client program.

Q. Do I need to develop my own application client to create/update/search a concept and for imports/exports with LexBIG?

Searching can be accomplished by one of the browser interfaces described above. However, content creation and maintenance are considered out of scope for the current LexBIG API which addresses load, publish, and query of fully versioned ontologies. LexBIG can consume many types of file formats (e.g. XML, OBO, RRF, OWL) as versioned ontologies. Given any structured source, it should be possible to review these files and create a transform for load into the LexGrid repository.

Q. Can I deploy LexBIG to operating systems other than Windows or Linux?

While you shouldn't need a separate installer, you will need to have the correct Java JDK installed for the system you are on. Some limitations will automatically apply. The GUI installer and a GUI browser may have problems with operating systems other than Windows or Linux. If the browser has options, note that we do have a fair amount of command line demonstration code that you might exercise in the package's Admin and Example folders.

Note that environments other than Windows or Linux are not tested or formally supported.