h1. {page-info:title}

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h2. Upgrade Notice

The NCI Wiki at has been upgraded to Confluence 3.5.7. Atlassian has provided videos to demonstrate the new features:

* [Share and Discover|http://www.atlassian.com/en/software/confluence/whats-new-iframe/35#1.-share-discover]
* [Embed Media and Code|http://www.atlassian.com/en/software/confluence/whats-new-iframe/35#2.-embed-media-code]
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More information about JIRA integration is summarized [in these tips|https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/x/7oDPAQ].

Additional changes to 3.5 include automatic watching of pages and status updates.

The Helpful Tips link in the page header opens the tips page (this page). As always if you need help and information you may contact [Application Support|mailto:ncicb@pop.nci.nih.gov] and they will answer or forward your question. If you need additional permissions, use the New Account link in the header and Application Support will respond.{info}

h2. Recent Updates

h2. Wiki Use, Duplication of Content, Links to Wiki Pages
{tip:title=Using the Wiki}
The goal of the wiki is to allow users to collaborate on developing documents and information. The architecture of the wiki is designed to make finding information easy, and is revised continually. Users are responsible for the accuracy of the information posted and for verification of information that they use. You can *contribute* content if you have *an account* (to request one, click the *New Account* link at the top of the page).
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* Do not copy the content of a wiki page to another wiki page. [Include|https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/x/EAhlAQ] or link to the content.
* [Use the title of the page or the Tiny Link|https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/x/GABm] (not the URL displayed by the browser). The Tiny Link is a permanent link that is part of the info of a wiki page. It will work regardless of the number of edits performed.