You can keep up with changes on the wiki in the following ways:

View a list of recently updated pages

To view a list of the most recently updated pages in any wiki space

  1. Navigate to the space.
  2. Choose one of the following methods:

Subscribe to updates by email

You can subscribe to email notifications of changes on a page, changes in a whole wiki space, or changes in all wiki spaces you have permission to view. 

If you select Subscribe to daily updates, just after midnight the wiki sends by email a list of all the pages you have permission to view which have changed during the preceding 24 hours. For each page that has changed, the message indicates the most recent change on that page. To review that change, click the View Changes link. To review the other changes to any page, navigate to that page, click the Tools (...) icon, and select Page History.

For details, refer to the following pages:

Subscribe to updates by RSS

You can subscribe to updates by RSS. For details, refer to the following page:

Each time you change your password, resubscribe to all wiki RSS feeds, to avoid locking your account and being unable to log in. If you lock your account, you can unlock it on IForgotMyPassword.

If RSS does not work, for example a message is displayed saying that the FEED URL is incorrect, the feed from the wiki does not work with the RSS reader. Try the feed in another reader.

View the changes on a page

You can view the changes on a page, or compare any two versions of a page. Keep in mind the following points:

For instructions, refer to the following page: