Labels help you keep related pages together, for your own reference and to help other users of the site. This page assembles the instructions in the Confluence User Guide pages on labels. If you read through the steps and try each one in another tab or window, you'll quickly see the benefit of labels.

You can add a label to any page as follows:

You can add a global label that everyone can see and use, or a personal label that only you can see and use.

You can remove any label you have added:

If you have the needed privileges, you can add a label to a space (if you do not have these links and want a space label, ask an administrator):

You can add a Team label to a space, to associate all the spaces for one team (to see spaces with a Team label, click the Team tab in the Spaces area on the Dashboard):

To see all the pages with a particular label:

You can use labels to help you navigate by including label macros in your pages as explained by Confluence.