Do not copy the content of a wiki page to another wiki page. Link to content using the title of the page or the Tiny Link (not the URL displayed by the browser) to ensure maintaining only one version of the page. The link will work regardless of the number of edits performed.

Introduction to the NCI Wiki

The goal of the wiki is to allow users to collaborate on a designated forum about topics of interest. Individual users do all the work of contributing, which makes the wiki a "self serve" way to share information, where the community can read helpful tips and tricks from others about subjects like adopting tools.

The Tips page provides help on using the wiki, including how to create and edit pages, add special features to pages, manage a page family and request and administer a space (if there is no existing space you can work in). For technical support you may contact NCICB Application Support.

You can contribute content if you have an account (to request one, click the Log in or New Account link at the top of the page).

Note: The wiki is "self serve" and therefore some content may be invalid. While the wiki is monitored, always trust the content with caution.

Template Pages