h1. {page-info:title}

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h2. caIntegrator Installation and Upgrade

* [caInt 0002 - Which directory are deployment files stored under?|caInt 0002 - Directory deployment files are stored under]

h2. caIntegrator Usage

* [caInt 0001 - How do the features and functionalities of caIntegrator and caB2B features compare?|caInt 0001 - Comparison of features and functionalities of caIntegrator and caB2B features]
* [caInt 0004 - How do I use the data search panel to perform a query that contains both "and" and "or" logical operators?|caInt 0004 - Using the data search panel to perform a query that contains and-or logical operators]
* [caInt 0005 - How do I add a new array platform in caIntegrator?|caInt 0005 - Adding a new array platform in caIntegrator]
* [caInt 0006 - How do I search for pathway in caIntegrator?|caInt 0006 - Searching for pathway in caIntegrator]
* [caInt 0007 - What is the format of caArray supplementary files that can be loaded into caIntegrator?|caInt 0007 - Format of caArray supplementary files that can be loaded into caIntegrator]
* [caInt 0008 - An import of an Agilent array dataset from caArray into caIntegrator 2 failed. Why?|caInt 0008 - An import of an Agilent array dataset from caArray into caIntegrator 2 failed]
* [caInt 0009 - What are the platforms that are supported by caIntegrator?|caInt 0009 - Platforms supported by caIntegrator]
* [caInt 0010 - Why there is an hourly JBoss GridDiscoveryServiceJob error in caIntegrator's server log?|caInt 0010 - Hourly JBoss GridDiscoveryServiceJob error in caIntegrator's server log]
* [caInt 0011 - Is it possible to deploy a study that links to an experiment in caArray with only CEL data?|caInt 0011 - Deploying a study that links to an experiment in caArray with only CEL data]
* [caInt 0012 (Multi Page) - How To Add Data to an Existing Study|caIntegrator:caInt 0012 (Multi Page) - How To Add Data to an Existing Study]
* [caInt 0012 (Single Page) - How To Add Data to an Existing Study|caIntegrator:caInt 0012 (Single Page) - How To Add Data To An Existing Study]
* [caInt 0013 - How To Combine Annotation and Gene Expression Data When Displaying Query Results|caInt 0013 - How To Combine Annotation and Gene Expression Data When Displaying Query Results]
* [caInt 0014 - Can I Load Data From caTissue Into caIntegrator?|caInt 0014 - Loading Data From caTissue Into caIntegrator]
* [caInt 0015 - What is the new Agilent Custom 2 x 415K human CGH platform supported in v1.3.1?|caInt 0015 - New Agilent Custom 2 x 415K human CGH platform supported in v1.3.1]
* [caInt 0016 - Why Do I Get A 'Page Not Found' Error After Installing caIntegrator?|caInt 0016 - 'Page Not Found' Error After Installing caIntegrator]
* [caInt 0017 - Why is my study stuck in the 'Processing' status hours after I deployed it]
* [caInt 0018 - Why Do I Get a Java Stack Trace Error When Running a Gene Expression Query?|caInt 0018 - Java Stack Trace Error When Running a Gene Expression Query]

h2. caIntegrator Integration with Other Applications

h3. caIntegrator and caArray Integration

* [caInt 0003 - Where is caArray data stored, when a caIntegrator study is mapped to a caArray experiment?|caInt 0003 - Where caArray data is stored, when a caIntegrator study is mapped to a caArray experiment]

h3. caIntegrator and UPT Integration

No FAQs at this time.

h3. caIntegrator and GenePattern Integration

No FAQs at this time.

h3. caIntegrator and caTissue Integration

No FAQs at this time.