
h1. Question: How do we install caArray on multiple servers?

*Topic*: caArray Installation

*Release*: Up to caArray 2.x

*Date entered*: 09/22/2009

h2. Details about the Question

Is it possible to install caArray with the grid service on a separate host?

h2. Answer

The caGrid team and the caArray team ran through the command line installation on Linux and prepared the following document with detailed steps:

[caArray Installation on Two Servers|http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=CaArray_Multi_Server_Install.pdf&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCQQFjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.nci.nih.gov%2Fdownload%2Fattachments%2F17727900%2FCaArray_Multi_Server_Install.pdf%3Fversion%3D1%26modificationDate%3D1312679642000&ei=yNP8TufxL6rq0gH76_jrAQ&usg=AFQjCNG0Xr2FiwCNPFyJvCw7eafJhWu1Dg]

*Special Notes about this document:*
# The caArray installer will not run if you are connected as the root user, but that's not documented.
# caArray install requires a caArray database to be created before the installer executes. The document has provided instructions for those new to mySQL.
# Code is provided for creating Ant targets for installing caArray components separately.
# A hardcoded "localhost" value in caarray/bda-utils/resource/template-binding.xml was causing problems. Instructions are provided to fix this issue.
# Information about server ports is provided to allow firewall configuration.
# Instructions are provided for testing the configuration using sample data.

h2. Have a comment?

Please leave your comment in the [caArray End User Forum|https://cabig-kc.nci.nih.gov/Molecular/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=577].
