
h1. Question: Can multiple users upload microarray datafiles under the same experiment?

*Topic*: caArray Usage

*Release*: caArray 2.X

*Date entered*: 06/10/2009

h2. Details about the Question

I have created a new experiment for the investigator. Now I need to transfer the ownership under me to my investigator. Can I do that? 

h2. Answer

Yes. Multiple users can contribute the data under the same pre-published experiment. To enable this function, the experiment owner must first make the experiment sharable and assign the access right to a collaborator group:

# The owner needs to change the experiment from "Draft" state to "In Progress" state by clicking *"Submit Experiment Proposal"*. 
# The owner grants the "Read/Write" or other appropriate role to a selected collaborator group. Refer to caArrayDemo-002 How to Use caArray to Share Pre-Publishing Data? listed under caArray Usage on the [caArray Demos] page.
# Other users in this collaborator group can now upload new files to this experiment.
# Different users can only access others' files after the files have been imported (that is, under the "Imported Data" tab and "supplemental file"). If a file is still in the working stage (that is, under the "Manage Data" tab), it is only accessible to its own submitter. 

For detailed steps on how to share pre-published data, please refer to [How to Use caArray to Share Pre-Publishing Data?|caArray Demos^Sharing_Prepublished_data.ppt]

{info:title=Special Note for caArray Version 2.3 and up}Starting in caArray version 2.3, Step 1 is no longer necessary. All public visibility is also managed under *Permissions*.{info}

h2. Have a comment?

Please leave your comment in the [caArray End User Forum|https://cabig-kc.nci.nih.gov/Molecular/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=577].
