
h1. Exporting to HTML

To export one or more pages to HTML, follow these steps.
# On a page you want to export, on the *Browse* menu, click *Advanced*.
# In the left sidebar, click *HTML Export*. (If you do not have this link, contact [Application Support|mailto:ncicb@pop.nci.nih.gov]).
# Clear the check box for *Include comments* if you do not want to export comments with the pages.
# Click the link to *Clear All* the check boxes for the pages in the space.
# Locate the page or pages you want to export to HTML and click the check box next to each wiki main page for a page family you want to export.
# At the bottom of the page click *Export*.
# Click the link to Download *here*.
# Click the button to *Save to disk*.
# Find the ZIP file with the export and *unzip* it.
# If you are exporting to obtain an HTML version of release notes, *save the HTML file with the text of the release notes outside of the folder with the other files exported*. This is the plain HTML file that can be included in the ZIP file for a release.
