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h2. Share a link to metadata

||  *Use Case Number* \\ | Init1bes10.pm17.1\\ |
||  *Brief Description* | It is often the case that a user would like to share a link to a metadata item with another user.  The link would take the other user directly to the metadata browser, where they would be able to view that item as if they had browsed to it themselves.  This is similar to the ability for Google Maps to share a map with another user.\\ |
||  *Actor(s)* for this particular use case | Metadata Specialist\\ |
||  *Pre-condition* \\
The state of the system before the user interacts with it \\ | The user has navigated to a metadata item in the metadata browser.\\ |
||  *Post condition* \\
The state of the system after the user interacts with it \\ | The link has been shared with the other user.\\ |
||  *Steps to take* \\
The step-by-step description of how users will interact with the system to achieve a specific business goal or function \\ | # The Metadata Specialist clicks a button on a metadata item web page to get a shareable link for that page.
# That link is not tied to the user session and can be viewed by other users.
# The Metadata Specialist sends the link to the other user.
# The other user is able to view the same metadata item that the Metadata Specialist was able to. |
||  *Alternate Flow* \\
Things which would prevent the normal flow of the use case \\ | * The metadata browser could provide a function to automatically mail the link to the other user.
* The metadata browser could provide a tiny URL that redirects to the page. |
||  *Priority* \\
The priority of implementing the use case: *High, Medium or Low* \\ | High.\\ |
||  *Associated Links* \\
The brief user stories, each describing the user interacts with the system for the one function only of the use case. There would potentially be a number of user stories that make up the use case. \\ | * [Ability to share a link to a CDE|https://cabig-kc.nci.nih.gov/Vocab/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=105]
* [Init1bes10\- Ability to share a link to a CDE|https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/x/LgpyAQ] |
||  *Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion*  \\
How would actor describe the acceptable usage scenarios for the software or service that meets the actor's requirement? \\ | The URL must not be tied to the user session and must be easily accessible through a right-click or a popup.  The URLs should not be too bulky to share - tiny URLs are highly desirable.\\ |

h2. Share a link to a search

||  *Use Case Number* \\ | Init1bes10.pm17.2 |
||  *Brief Description* | It is often the case that a user would like to share a search with another user.  The link would take the other user directly to the metadata browser, where the search would be performed, and they would be able to view the results as if they had performed the search themselves.  This is similar to the ability for Google Maps to share directions with another user.\\ |
||  *Actor(s)* for this particular use case | Metadata Specialist\\ |
||  *Pre-condition* \\
The state of the system before the user interacts with it \\ | The user is able to perform a search in the metadata browser.\\ |
||  *Post condition* \\
The state of the system after the user interacts with it \\ | The search has been shared with another user.\\ |
||  *Steps to take* \\
The step-by-step description of how users will interact with the system to achieve a specific business goal or function \\ | # The Metadata Specialist performs a search
# The Metadata Specialist clicks a button on the search results web  page to get a shareable link for that search.
# That link is not tied to the user session and can be viewed by  other users.
# The Metadata Specialist sends the link to the other user.
# The other user is able to perform the same search that the  Metadata Specialist was able to by entering the link. |
||  *Alternate Flow* \\
Things which would prevent the normal flow of the use case \\ | * The metadata browser could provide a function to automatically  mail the link to the other user.
* The metadata browser could provide a tiny URL that redirects to  the page. |
||  *Priority* \\
The priority of implementing the use case: *High, Medium or Low* \\ | Medium\\ |
||  *Associated Links* \\
The brief user stories, each describing the user interacts with the system for the one function only of the use case. There would potentially be a number of user stories that make up the use case. \\ | * [Ability to share a link to a CDE|https://cabig-kc.nci.nih.gov/Vocab/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=105]
* [Init1bes10\- Ability to share a link to a CDE|https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/x/LgpyAQ] |
||  *Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion*  \\
How would actor describe the acceptable usage scenarios for the software or service that meets the actor's requirement?  \\ | The URL must not be tied to the user session and must be easily  accessible through a right-click or a popup.  The URLs should not be too  bulky to share - tiny URLs are desirable. |