
h1. Using labels

Labels help keep related pages together, for reference by the page owners and to help other users of the site. This page includes the following topics:

h2. Add a label to a page

* Using the Labels option that follows the editing window, enter the label or labels in the text box.

* Click Done.

You can enter any text you want for a label. To separate words, use the underline character, for example: separate_words. Labels are all lowercase.

h2. Global and personal labels

* To add a global label that everyone can see and use, *type* the label and click *Add* or *select* the label.

* To add a personal label that only you can see and use, type *my:label*, where "label" is the label you want to use and click *Add*, or *select* another label with the prefix my:.

h2. Remove a label

* Click the link to *edit* the label and click the link or icon to *remove* it.

h2. Add a space label

If you have the needed permissions, you can add a label to a space. If you do not have these permissions (can't see the links described in these steps), and want a space label, ask an administrator.

* Click *Browse Space Admin* at the top right corner of the page.

* Click *Edit Space Labels*.

* In the *Labels* area, *type* the label and click *Add*, or *select* a label.

h2. Add a team label

You can add a Team label to a space, to associate all the spaces for one team.

To see spaces with a Team label, click the Team tab in the Spaces area on the Dashboard. To add a Team label:

* Click *Browse Space Admin* at the top right corner of the page.

* Click *Edit Space Labels*. In the *Team Labels* area, *type* the label and click *Add*, or *select* a label.

h2. Display a list of pages with a particular label

* *Search* for the label; the matching label, if any, will be shown on the search results page. Click *Browse Labels* to display a list of pages with that label.

h2. Display lists of labels available and in use and lists of pages with those labels

* Click *Browse Space Admin* and then click the *Labels* tab to see *all the labels* for a space. The All Labels or Popular Labels view opens depending on your last visit. Lists of the most Recent Labels and Popular Labels are provided, with a "tag cloud" view of the most often used (popular) labels that may be sorted alphabetically of by popularity.

* Click *All labels* to view an alphabetical list of *all labels in the space*. If desired, click the *link* to view the *labels from all spaces* or *all your personal labels*.

* To see all you personal labels, you can also click the *link for your profile* (your name in the upper right of the screen) and click the *Label* tab to see the *pages labeled with your personal labels*.

* Click a *label* to list *all content in the space with that label and any existing *Related Labels* (that frequently appear on pages together).

* If you are in a page that has a label or labels, click a *label* to go to the Label tab of the Browse Space view where *all content in the space with the label you clicked* will be listed. Click the link *See content from all spaces* to view all content on the site with the same label.

h2. Display content with particular labels

You can display lists of content that is labeled with a particular label by using the [contentbylabel macro|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Content+by+Label+Macro].

The [related-labels macro|http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Related+Labels+Macro#RelatedLabelsMacro-Parameters] lists all the pages with the same label or labels as the page with the Related Labels macro.

Other label macros also help find content with particular labels as [explained by Confluence|http://confluence.atlassian.com/x/zjYC].
