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h2. Controlled biomedical terminology, ontology and metadata content

The increasing adoption of EVS terminologies and NCI metadata by federal agencies, as well as by commercial, clinical and international organizations, will require increased investments in terminology production, curation, licensing and services as well increased metadata curation and support.
* Increasingly rigorous processes for terminology creation, curation and QA to meet tighter regulatory, clinical and other requirements.
* Expanded work on terminology mapping, harmonization and federation to support widening use and integration with broader biomedical and health communities and standards.
* Strengthening the ontology components of EVS terminologies to support stronger semantics for other caBIGĀ® components and for direct users of EVS terminologies.
* Creating and extending high-performance end-user interfaces suitable for broad use of EVS terminologies by researchers, clinicians, patients, administrators, and others.

h2. Requirements

[Initiative 6 section of the Requirements Initiatives Master List|Semantic Infrastructure Requirements Progression]

h2. Forum
[Initiative 6 - Controlled biomedical terminology, ontology and metadata content|https://cabig-kc.nci.nih.gov/Vocab/forums/viewforum.php?f=55]
