Below is a list of collections available from the NCI CBIIT instance of NBIA. When additional meta data or information concerning the scientific value of a collection is included by the data providers it is posted in the links below. If you have any questions please contact John Freymann ( and Justin Kirby ( of the CIP Informatics team.

Completed and Ongoing Collections

Note: The Cancer Imaging Program (CIP) has recently deployed The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) as a new service to the imaging research community.  A number of our collections have been migrated to this new archive with improved data quality and expanded patient populations.  These collections are marked to indicate this in the table below.


|| Status || Collection Name || Site Name || Access ||
| Complete | [LIDC] (pilot set) | LIDC | [Moved to TCIA|]\\ |
| Complete | [TCGA|TCGA] (pilot set) | Henry Ford, USCF | [Moved to TCIA|] |
| Complete | [Virtual Colonoscopy] | WRAMC, San Diego | Public |
| Complete | [CT Colonography] | ACRIN | [Moved to TCIA|] |
| Complete | [NCRI] | NHS | Public |
| Complete | [Roswell Strong] | ROSWELL, STRONG | Public |
| Complete | [I-SPY|I-SPY] | ACRIN, NCICB | Limited \\ |
| Complete | [Phantom] | University of Washington | [Moved to TCIA|] |
| Complete | [Osteoarthritis Initiative] | OAI | Limited |
| Complete | [GBM Rembrandt] | Clinical Center | Limited |
| Complete | [RIDER] | MSKCC, MDACC, University of Washington, Duke, UMich | [Moved to TCIA|] |
| Complete | [IDRI|IDRI] (deprecated) | IDRI | [Moved to TCIA|] |
| Ongoing | [QIBA|QIBA DCE-MRI] | QIBA DCE-MRI - \~5 Supplying Sites and 1 Analysis site. | Limited |
| Ongoing | [Head-Neck Cetuximab (RTOG 0522 and ACRIN 4500)|Head-Neck Cetuximab (RTOG 0522 and ACRIN 4500)] | ITC, ACRIN | Moved to TCIA |
| Complete | [VASARI|VASARI] | TJU, Henry Ford | [Moved to TCIA|] |
| Complete | [Phantom FDA|Phantom FDA] | FDA | [Moved to TCIA|] |
| Ongoing | [FDG-PET Lymphoma|FDG-PET Lymphoma] | OSU | Limited |