Part of document: LexEVS 6.1 Proposed Scope Items
Specify whether a map is "strictly" for one version of a vocab, or can be applied to future versions
- Assumption: This is already supported in our current model.
- Update: if new map for the version of the vocabulary - having the ability to specify will become important. Possibly from caCIS? SNOMED to ICD9 map? There isn't a mechanism right now to specify new version. Inside relations container you can specify to/from and version. If you don't it'll use current. If you do specify a version then any time you resolve if that version isn't loaded it will still resolve but it wouldn't be able to give properties or description. It is possible to update the version at loading. Could we throw an exception? Or should we not show any data? What would users prefer?
Tasks to Complete
- Update the loader to allow populating the version in the relations container during the load. (For MRMAP loader)
- In query, make sure to query only against those versions.
Estimated Effort
- 1 week/1 FTE
Associated Gforge Items
List items.