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This is the wiki for the NCI Co-Clinical Imaging Research Resource Program (CIRP) Network.

CIRP Network

About CIRP

The NCI initiated the Co-Clinical Imaging Research Resource Program (CIRP) in 2015 to establish web-accessible, co-clinical, quantitative imaging research resources funded under several program announcements, i.e., PAR-18-841. The CIRP supports ten co-clinical trial projects spanning a diverse range of tumor types, therapeutic interventions, and imaging modalities. Each CIRP resource contains four essential components: animal models (GEMMs or PDXs), co-clinical therapeutic trials, quantitative preclinical and clinical imaging methods, and informatics for supporting web resources. The deliverable of a CIRP-funded project is a web resource populated with all the methodologies, protocols, tools, and data associated with quantitative imaging in preclinical and clinical trial settings by the end of year 5.

Mission statement

The network's mission is to advance the practice of precision medicine by establishing consensus-based best practices for co-clinical imaging and by developing optimized state-of-the-art quantitative imaging methodologies for disease detection, risk stratification, and therapeutic response assessment.

Network Structure

The CIRP network includes a steering committee, CIRP teams, working groups, and associate members.

Teams and Projects

The NCI CIRP program awarded ten 5-year projects between 2017-2022. These projects focus on seven adult and one pediatric cancer, including breast, bone, colon, hematology, lung, muscle, pancreas, and prostate cancers.

Working Groups

The CIRP network has three working groups (WGs), including Animal Models and Co-Clinical trials (AMCT) WG, Imaging Acquisition and Data Process (IADP) WG, and InforMatics and OutReach (IMOR) WG.

Associate Members

Academic investigators with expertise in animal models (GEMMs or PDXs), co-clinical therapeutic trials, quantitative imaging in the preclinical and clinical settings, and state-of-art informatics join the CIRP WGs

Web Resources

Link to Each CIRP Web Resource

Link to Web Resources by Associate Members

Link to Repositories by Working Groups

For Researchers

Previous Meetings

CIRP holds annual meetings and organizes meeting sessions at scientific conferences and meetings by other NCI programs. CIRP annual meeting is open to the public, and there is no registration fee for attending the meeting.

News and Announcements

Solicit Associate Members

The CIRP network invites NCI and NIH-supported academic investigators with expertise in animal models (GEMMs or PDXs), co-clinical therapeutic trials, quantitative imaging in the preclinical and clinical settings, and state-of-art informatics to join the CIRP network as associate members. The associate members can contribute to developing a consensus on important co-clinical imaging issues, expand the scientific scope of the CIRP, and accelerate the dissemination of the CIRP resources.

CIRP Special Issue

The first special issue of CIRP program, "CIRP Network Collection: Advances in Co-clinical Quantitative Imaging Research," has 13 papers published in Tomography in May of 2023.

2024 WMIC Meeting, Sept 12, Montreal, Canada

Spotlight Session, "Quantitative Co-Clinical Imaging Trial to Assess Drug Response". 

2025 CIRP Annual Virtual Meeting, Celebrating A Ten-Year Milestone, May 7 -8

This will be a meeting opening to the public without a registration fee.

This annual meeting will present pilot applications of co-clinical imaging across various primary and metastatic cancer types, including breast, lung, gastrointestinal, hematological, and bone cancers. The keynote talk will outline the consensus of the future co-clinical imaging roadmap.

Selected Publications

              CIRP Network

                 CIRP Teams

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