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When you search for collections in OneData, keep in mind the following points:

  • For each field, the default is all values. For example, in the Download Format field, the default behavior returns all formats.
  • Searches are not case sensitive. Searches for Gene and gene return the same results.
  • In any editable text field, enter a search string, complete or partial. This does not apply to numeric fields such as Public ID. 
  • In any editable text field, you can use a percent sign (%) as a wildcard. For examples, refer to Using Wildcards.  
  • For some fields, you can adjust the search scope (with options such as IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, NOT LIKE, Exact Phrase Match, All Of The Words, or One Of The Words) by clicking the Advanced Filter (Advanced Filter) icon near the top of the page.
  • The system processes search criteria as AND statements, so the results include only items that fulfill all the criteria.
  • If you clear a field, or if you leave a field at its default setting, the system does not limit the search by that criterion.
  • You can specify the number of results returned: Type a number in the Number of Rows field and press <Enter>. 
  • When you remove or change search criteria, the system does not update search results until you click Apply Filter again.

To search for collections:

  1. Open a supported browser (Google Chrome) and navigate to the portal. The home page appears.

  2. Select Download Collection. The Download Collection page appears. (For instructions on adding this page to your favorites, refer to Managing Favorites.)

  3. Enter search criteria in one or more fields as described in the following table: 

    Collection IDSpecify the full numeric value for a single collection ID. (You cannot use wildcards in numeric fields.) 
    Download FormatSelect a download format.
    Collection NameSpecify all or part of the collection name.
    Collection DescriptionSpecify all or part of the description.
    Created BySpecify all or part of a user ID.
  4. If necessary, you can specify additional criteria for finding collection using one of the "Child Filter" options in the lower part of the search page. The system filters for collections that match details specified in the selected child filter. For details, click one of the following links:

    RAVE Project NameSpecify all or part of a project name. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    Draft Form Name if Downloading CDEsSpecify all or part of a draft form name. (To adjust search scope, click the Advanced Filter icon.)
    Select User Data String SourceChoose PV or PVM.

    Collection NameSelect one or more collections.
    ComponentSelect one or more components. 
    Component Long NameSpecify all or part of the long name of a component.
  5. In the fields that have a Select a Value (Select a Value) icon, you can select one or more values. Click the Select a Value icon next to the field. A Reference Data Panel appears. 

    • To select one value: Click the value name. The value name appears in the field. 
    • To select one or more values: Click the checkbox for each row you want to include. Click Set Values. The field indicates how many values you have set. 
    • To search for values: In the text box above the column header, type a keyword and press Enter. Click the checkbox for each row you want to include. Click Save Values. When you have saved all of the values that you need, click Set Values. The field indicates how many values you have set.

    To reset a list of values, click the Clear Values (Clear Values) icon next to that list. 

  6. You can also create your own query to search, by specifying an explicit "where" clause. Click the Advanced Filter icon. Under Filter Options, select a column and then click >>. The name of the selected column appears in the text box. Complete the query string. (For example, if your query string is "a.CURRNT_VER_IND=1" when you click Apply Filter, the system returns all items of the latest version.)

  7. Click Apply Filter. The system lists all collections that match your criteria. By default, the system sorts the list by Date/Time Last Requested, so the most recently requested collection is at the top (and then by collection name). You can sort columns by clicking the column headers and selecting one of the choices: Ascending, Descending, Clear Sort, or New Sort.

For additional instructions, refer to the following pages:

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