Leading and Trailing Wild Card Implementation Details
Equivalent to '*term*' This should be a very poor performing search and is not recommended especially when entering a phrase.
The Leading and Trailing Wild Card search has the following characteristics:
- This search is case in-sensitive.
- It only searches on the property value and literal property value.
- A leading and trailing wild card is added to each token in the search text.
- The literal property part (without the wild cards) of the query is boosted by 50. This gives a literal match priority.
Parsing is done with the following analyzers:
propertyValue - Uses our custom standard analyzer that has no stop words.
literal_propertyValue - Uses our custom literal analyzer. This literal analyzer uses Lucene's WhitespaceTokenizer with Lucene's LowerCaseFilter.
Example of use:
The following examples are based on the Automobiles coding scheme.
Example 1:
Search string: hevy
Lucene query: +propertyValue:*hevy* literal_propertyValue:hevy^50.0
Result: 1 result
- entity code: Chevy
- entity description: Chevrolet
Example 2:
Search string: hev
Lucene query: +propertyValue:*hev* literal_propertyValue:hev^50.0
Result: 1 result
- entity code: Chevy
- entity description: Chevrolet
Associated JUnits:
Junits can be found here: https://github.com/lexevs/lexevs/blob/master/lbTest/src/test/java/org/LexGrid/LexBIG/Impl/function/query/lucene/searchAlgorithms/TestLeadingAndTrailingWildcard.java