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The list of trials to which you have been granted access is displayed automatically when you log in to Accrual. For information on navigating and working with lists of trials, refer to Working with Accrual Tables and Search Results.

List of Trials section of Trial Search page, annotated to show identifier link and terminology options

Accessing your trials

If you do not see any studies listed when you log in, consider the following points:

  • Your CTRP user account must have authorization to submit accrual data to your trials.
  • Trials appear in the list after they have been registered and fully abstracted in CTRP.  The Participating Site (PS) on the trial record must be in one of the recruiting statuses before accrual can be loaded/submitted.

How to Search For Trials

  1. On the toolbar, click Trial Search.
    The Trial Search page appears.
    Top portion of Trial Search page
  2. Enter the NCI Trial Identifier, Identifier, for Official Title in the fields provided. 

  3. Press ENTER or click Search Trials.

    You can search for a trial by one or more criteria, or you can list all trials to which you have been granted access by leaving all of the search criteria fields blank. If you search by the Official Title, use keywords and wildcards rather than phrases or the entire title. Doing so minimizes the potential for excluding any titles with misspellings or slightly different phrasing from the search results. For example, a Phase II trial may have been recorded as a Phase 2 trial.

    The Search Trials page refreshes and displays the trial(s) you searched for.

    Trial Search page showing 1 resulting record

    Each trial is listed by NCI Trial Identifier, Official Title, Current Trial Status, Trial Type, and Accrual Disease Terminology. For information on trial statuses, refer to Trial Status Values in the CTRP and