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Discussion items

CTRP data issuesTracy
  • The last couple of weeks CTRP has not been able to import our data file.  It loads fine but their enhancer fails. I did a diff of data and I am not seeing issues.  I am trying to trace through their code to try and find the problem

Owlscrubber memory problemsYang
  • Yang has been trying to process Monday's baseline but is running into issues with the OWLScrubber running into Java heap space errors.

LexEVS architecture presentationScott
  • Scott is prepared to present an overview of the LexEVS architecture for Swathi and Yang.
  • Should take about an hour.

  • We are starting to look at moving the QA tier to AWS
  • Working on moving the browser over
  • Security documentation required to move to an upper tier
    • Specific AWS security person
    • Consider mod-security to limit queries? It does slow things down so might not pay off
  • Need to look at how automated promotion up the tiers will work
  • TT involved in trying to migrate jenkins to work with AWS.

AWS across servers
How much of an issue is having EVSRestAPI and Stardog on different servers?

SPARQL Endpoint
  • Currently in production so we don't want to lose it
  • Possibly some applications, like EVSRestAPI, could bypass mod-security?  Have different port maybe?
  • Discuss with Systems and Gilberto

LexEVS 6.5.2 loader on QATracy
  • Metathesaurus and standalones all loaded using 6.5.2 and appear to be working well.
  • Want to test the OWL2 loader - especially given the obib changes.

Browser documentation
Yang requested a better understanding of the browser.

Action items
