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At-a-Glance Details
  • Current Release of NBIA: GitHub Exit Disclaimer logo
  • Current Release of NBIA Data Retriever: 4.4, October 2022; Linux versions, 4.4.1, August 2023
  • Primary audience: Investigators and Researchers
  • System Requirements: Provides web-based access to de-identified DICOM images, markups, and annotations using role-based security. 

Tool Overview

The National Biomedical Imaging Archive is a free and open-source service and a software application that enables users to securely store, search, and download diagnostic medical images, providing a searchable repository integrating in vivo cancer images with clinical data. Using role-based security, NBIA provides web-based access to de-identify DICOM images.

Along with the Clinical Trial Processor software from the Radiological Society of North America, NBIA supports customized de-identification of images. NBIA is able to integrate with other applications through a set of APIs. For more information, see the NBIA REST API Guides Exit Disclaimer logo .

Installation and Downloads

Refer to GitHub Exit Disclaimer logo  for more information on building and installing NBIA.

No community support is available from the NCI for NBIA.

NBIA Data Retriever 4.4 (Current Release)

The NBIA Data Retriever is an application that allows you to download the images you have added data to the cart. More information on how to use the NBIA Data Retriever is in the TCIA Radiology Portal User's Guide. The NCI supports the current release of the NBIA Data Retriever and two previous releases. Earlier releases have been deprecated.

Linux (tested on CentOS)


To run this file, type the following at the command prompt:
sudo yum -v -y remove NBIADataRetriever-4.4.x86_64.rpm;sudo yum -y install NBIADataRetriever-4.4.1.x86_64.rpm

Linux (tested on Ubuntu)


To run this file, type the following at the command prompt:

sudo -S dpkg -r nbia-data-retriever-4.4.deb;sudo -S dpkg -i nbia-data-retriever-4.4.1.deb


Open-Source Development

NBIA is an open-source project with its code repository on GitHub Exit Disclaimer logo .

Presentations, Demos and Other Materials

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