NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  


Wright, Larry NIH/NCI  x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI    x

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayo 
Peterson, Kevin
Stancl, Craig
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCIx
Brem, Larry  NIH/NCI [C]   
Pan, JJ
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C] x
Kanjamala, Pradip  Mayo x
Ahmed, Shamim
NIH/NC [C] x
Haber, Margaret (NIH/NCI) 
Roth, Laura (NIH/NLM)  
Ramani, Vivek (NIH/NCI) [C]  
Carlsen, Brian (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Wong, Joanne  x

Kuntipuram, Kumar



Action Items

 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
1KumarSchedule closure meeting for GitHub migration   done
3Craig Stancl, Kevin Peterson
  • Security Requirements for the REST interface Questionnaire (Note from JJ) 

  • We need to be prepared to answer the questions that were sent out, and need to meet with the ARB
  • Prepare questions, a few slides before the meeting and send to JJ 

July 9July 30 done
10Kevin, Tracy, Rob
  • 5.1: Need to create a patch that increases the temporary RRF table column sizes as appropriate.

  • 6.0: Re-try the Meta loader 

23ScottReport on property qualifiers in the HL7 MIF content in LexEVS   done
27Larry, KimCheck with the developers of the FDA application about the supplementary data for the MedDRA load   open
28RobSubmit a ticket for corrected database configuration for Meta and Resolved Value Set loads.   open
29ScottPush out a new lbRuntime to the NCI ftp site   done
30KevinCheck in the latest MedDRA security jar   done
31CraigCorrect the project plan to show the proper date for the Readiness Review   done
32ScottLevel of effort for updating 5.1, 6.0, 6.1 to Java 1.7   done
33KevinSend email with latest Mayo Maven NCI mirror.   pending
33 Log into loader server to find out what is wrong with the script parameters   pending


Area of InterestDetails
Nexus LexEVS repository for maven  on informatics cannot be used by the Anthill Pro build.This will need to be proxied or the artifacts will need to be moved to the NCI Nexus server
Downsides to moving the CTS2 repositories into the NCIP channel.  Effort required.  (Complete for projects) (Larry Brem)N/A
Update on testing for Resolved Value Sets (Tracy)  (Did the Script work?)All are loaded, investigating performance issues.  Kevin to look at load server to look at problems with the scrips.  Also look at search code as provided by Tracy. 
Security for NCI REST services (CTS2) (Kevin, NCI)

Discussed the ability to pass a token in the REST.  Medra can be filtered out on the calls.  However, we lose track of things when we expose value set content (some Medra concepts in a value set). 

For Medra we can validate the token. (bulk download) 

SNOMED, just presents the license to the user, but no filter on the API. 

No other sources cause concerns. 

The export REST functionality does allow the download of everything (entire, or branch of).

Would like to bock export for Meta and require token for Medra.

Action: Kevin to determine how long this activity will take and we will incorporate this into the project plan. 

MIF Loader Value Sets

Harold and Kevin have stood up a CTS2 Implementation that contains the HL7 MIF Value Sets.    Is there a way we can incorporate this service in to the NCI services. 

Would like to see a demo and discussion with Harold about the usage.  

MIF Loader Hierarchy 
Update on Content Loads and Deployment on Dev.  Will need to be done on the 26th. (Tracy, Kevin, Craig)Resolved value sets are loaded.  Maven respository needs to be resolved.  Can start doing testing before BDA.   Medra Loader - needs to confirm latest was built.  Pradip is still working on the OWL2 loader. 
Meta Loader confirmation.  (validation of the column size fix)Tracy updated the lock wait and the successful loads.   
Check with the developers of the FDA application about the supplementary data for the MedDRA load (Larry, Kim) 
Submit a ticket for corrected database configuration for Meta and Resolved Value Set loads. (Rob)Lock wait timeout ticket submitted and complete. 
Medra Security Jar 



JIRA Issues

Issue NumberDescriptionStatus

Project Plan Changes

#DescriptionDue DateResourcesNotesRisksMitigation

 Planned Activities

Area of InterestDetails

Risks, Issues, Dependencies


Opened DateDue DateDescriptionLikelihood (H, M, L)ImpactAssignedStatusMitigation Strategy


 #Opened DateDescriptionImpactAssignedStatus


Opened DateDescriptionAssigned
6.26.2013 GitHub Close out meeting

Kuntipuram, Kumar






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