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Document Information

Author:  Craig Stancl, Scott Bauer, Cory Endle
Team:  LexEVS
Contract:   16X237
Client:  NCI CBIIT
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

Contents of this Page

The purpose of this document is to document the technical face to face meeting details between the NCI and the LexEVS Team.

2016 November/December Face-to-Face Meeting Notes 

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM4W030

User Group Discussion

  • Team to share how they are using LexEVS and additional usage requirements they may have.
  • What components of LexEVS do you currently use?
    • LexEVS API

    • LexEVS Remote API

    • CTS2 RESTful services

  • Are there LexEVS services that you would like to use, but they don't meet your requirements?

  • Are there any other road blocks preventing you from using LexEVS?

  • What version of LexEVS are you currently using?


Attendees:  Larry, Jason, Kim, Craig, Scott, Cory, John, Liz, Sima, Rui, Natalia, Tracy, Sana, Tin, Gilberto

Discussion Points:

  • caDSR Team represented by Sima, Natalia, Vikram
  • caDSR Applications that use EVS
    • Sentinel - Alerts for concepts, job that does concept clean up (compares concepts)
    • Curation tooling - links to concepts, and search results.  
    • CDE Browser - Concepts used from search results.  
    • Semantic integration workbench - concepts used from search results
    • CDEs
      • Utilize the NCIT, NCI meta,
      • Look into NCIT - will use the concept to describe the CDE.
      • Organizing concepts to build CDE terminology.  
      • CDEs are used for forms (permissible values on forms)
  • Tooling hasn't changed or been replaced.
    • Currently use JARS and put in /lib
    • Using Remote API today.
    • Recently removed EJB 
    • Need to consider architecture in the future.
    • MDR is planning to architect a solution moving forward.
    • Currently searches are restricted to preferred terms.
      • Building data element - definitional information, preferred name
      • Existing CDE - pull back perferred name.
  • Current Tooling Issues
    • Need to have a data load completed to PROD.
    • Confirmed data load and ready once things move to production.
    • New LexEVS Jars will be included in next release. 
  • Remote API Architecture
    • Issues
      • Replacement of JARS
      • Serialization of objects.
  • Proposed Architecture?
    • REST-ful API 

Decision Points:

  • caDSR to provide list of what is currently used in the Java API
    • EVS team to provide feedback as to how to do things better.
    • EVS team to ensure that if REST-ful API is created, functionality to be prioritized.  


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM4W030

RESTful API Discussion

  • Discuss requirements for continued development of REST services. This will include both CTS2 and separate REST-ful API.
  • Browser: Discuss requirements for remote API and CTS2 REST-ful API.

Attendees: Larry, Jason, Kim, Craig, Scott, Cory, John, Liz, Sima, Rui, Natalia, Tracy, Sana, Tin, Gilberto, Jacob

Discussion Points:

  • Browser use cases reviewed.
    • Additional cases
      • History - the browser currently uses.
      • Security - for Medra or other licensed vocabularies.
    • May be able to use CTS2 APIs, but may need to have separate REST-ful services for customized/specialized content. 
    • Current browser wouldn't use REST services.
    • Unknown coverage for REST possibilities.  So additional investigation required.
  • Previous F2F considerations.
    • Custom Lucene may need to be provided for clinical trials.
    • Group Value Sets - may be useful.  
    • Restrict to Properties - need to better understand this usecase.
    • History - suggested by the CTRP but has some requirements in scope of the Browser.
    • Graph and Association
      • No need from caDSR
  • Additional requirements
    • Bulk Download
      • ability to download full or part of a complete terminology.
  • Align rest calls to support Moonshot API services.
  • Make others aware services are available.
  • Tracy suggested to look at
  • Browser team not going to use REST at this time 
  • caDSR not going to use REST at this time.

Decision Points:

  • Identify Moonshot Clinical Trial API services to be supported by REST services.
  • Identify ways to promote REST services.
  • Identify possibilities of participating in


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM4W030

Triple store/RDF Discussion

  • Discuss what triple stores would be used for in parallel and in conjunction with LexEVS
  • Text searching
  • NCBO SPARQL white paper and it's implications
  • Searching on Roles (Gilberto, Kim)


Discussion Points:

  • There is a pilot ongoing to review triple stores
    • selected 3 triple stores (StarDog, Allegrograph (, Viritouso) and have been working for the past 6 months
    • evaluations covering restricting operations, loading data, performance testing, examine security (secured and anonymous access via proxies)
    • nature of queries haven't been as representative of what is needed for production.
    • more focus on real use queries.  
    • operations - hosting model not supported by CBIIT - so no support.  (ie, patching support not provided)
    • all can be queried with standard SPARQL
    • will still want REST services available to the end users.  
  • Transition to SPAQRL gives raw access to the data (unlike API)
    • However, you need to understand the data - and this could differ from endpoint to endpoint.
  • What do TripleStores provide - that differ (better than) LexEVS
    • Representation of Hierarchy
    • Level of expressivity
  • 3 use cases for triplestore evaluation:
    • Expressivity (reasoning support)
    • Linked open data
      • use vocabulary as a "glue" between different data repositories.  Ability to "join" distributed repositories.
    • Closer integration of vocabulary and meta data (part of the MDR).
  • Report writer now uses the triple store 
    • Loading of Value sets take much less time
    • Access of Value Sets is better, but not hugely different.

  • Need to determine where Triple Store is better and where LexEVS is better.  

Decision Points:

  • Investigate where Triple Store usage may augment LexEVS. 


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM5E030

EVS Project Group Discussion (During regular call-in time)

  • User/content priorities for value set, mapping, and other services.
  • Specialized search and other capabilities for complex chemical names and genetic names.
  • Current capabilities and browser implementation
  • Possible expert system extension
EVS project meeting

Attendees:  Larry, Kim, Craig, Scott, Cory, John, Liz, Gilberto, Lori, Tin, Teri, Sharon, Sana, Nick, Nels, Margaret, George, Brenda, Abigail, Erin, Joanne

Discussion Points:

  • Value Sets
    • Would like LexEVS to support production of value sets with more rich structure. (to more efficiently assemble this deliverable)
    • 100K downloads from FTP site.  Fewer users use the browser to download the value sets.  
  • Mapping
    • On a mapping page, you can download an excel or cvs file.  
    • ie, chebi has mapping.  
    • For GDC - ICD9 or 10 coding - to be able to use NCIT coding, there needs to be way to translate between ICD9 and NCIT codes.  There currently isn't a good way to do that today.  
      • ie ICD9 - Brest cancer - corresponds to ABC in NCIT
      • Determine how such a map could be published (browser and LexEVS)
  • Other Services
    • IUPAC - there are 2 flavors to be considered - but can be managed.
    • HUGO - the slash and hyphens have been problematic, but have been mostly resolved in the NCI Browser.
    • Review of 4 identified searching issues (differences between results in LexEVS and Protege).
    • NGram tokenizers may provide solution if we implement an Expert System.

Decision Points:

  • Revisit the mapping discussion during a future project meeting.
  • Consider and prioritize the expert system solution.
  • Review the usage of NGrams in Lucene.


2:00 PM - 3:00 PM5E030

LexEVS Mapping Discussion

Determine requirements and propose solution for mapping.

  • User requirement: One terminology to many terminologies mapping.
  • Other topics:  Current, conditional, external relationships

Attendees:  Larry, Kim, Craig, Scott, Cory, John, Liz, Gilberto, Tracy

Discussion Points:

  • Use case provided by external LexEVS user.
  • one to many (one terminology to many) is currently not a priority.  
  • There may have been time when loading maps from UMLS, but not sure why it wasn't completed.  Brian may have more information.
  • Ability to capture synonymous (non-) - Query API, Loader.  Would want a use case to specifically describe this mapping.  
  • Consider loading MRMAP and review how it is loaded.   

Decision Points:

  • Investigate the MRMAP load and determine why that work wasn't completed.  
  • Investigate the ability to capture non-synonymous


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM5E030

Lucene Discussion

Propose additional features of Lucene to be used within LexEVS.

  • Discuss specialized search use cases.
  • Possible Lucene enhancements for coding scheme categorizations, auto complete aids, Lucene services.

Attendees: Larry, Kim, Craig, Scott, Cory, John, Liz, Gilberto, Tracy

Discussion Points:

  • Facets - ability to perform categorical search 
    • Coding Scheme Types
    • Value Set Categories
  • Auto complete
    • Interest for the browser and caDSR
    • concerns about the results being overwhelming
    • might be more useful if combined with facets - i.e. search cancers with facets of neoplasms
  • Elastic Search
    • There are still many custom analyzers
    • If possible to make search more portable - across LexEVS and TripleStore - may want to look at this.
  • Prefer to have a single interface - instead of having the user decide if they use LexEVS or TripleStore.
  • SOLR vs Elastic Search
    • SOLR documents more flat
    • Elastic Search document more complex.
  • Search down NeoPlasms and then stop at a certain level.  There is no mechanism to capture that.  Similar cases for drug searches.
    • John demoed - this uses facets and auto complete (based on 3 chars or more and typing speed).

Decision Points:

  • Investigate ability to use Facets and where it could be used. 
  • Investigate ability to design a usable auto complete.  


4:30 PM - 5:00 PM5E030

Overflow/Additional Topics



Discussion Points:

Decision Points:



Thursday, December 1st, 2016


9:00 AM - 11:00 AM3W030

Value Set management and workflow

  • Discuss requirements for value set version management and workflow management and supporting technology.
  • Rob to give a demo of their current workflow and the scripts they use.
Rob, Tracy


Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM3W030

Value Set and Mapping Data with Hierarchical structure Discussion

  • Determine requirements and propose options to hierarchical structure and mapping.
  • Discuss how VS could retain their multiple hierarchical structure that it came from.
  • Discuss what changes would be needed to CTS2 for this.


Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


1:00 PM - 3:30 PM3W030

NCI Systems Discussions

  • Nexus Deployment Discussion
    • Current status of LexEVS artifacts on NCI Nexus server
    • Discuss current technical challenges.
  • CI and Docker Status/Roadmap
    • Discuss the current status of the Docker scripts used to build/test LexEVS components.
    • Discuss NCI's current status and future plans to use Docker.
    • Discuss security challenges associated with NCI's environment and Docker.
  • Discuss a separate DEV environment for CI server deployment
  • Tech Stack Upgrades
    • Discuss DB upgrade: 
      • MySQL 5.6 vs. MariaDB (10.1 Supported 2017.01)
    • Discuss CentOS 7 upgrade
  • Tier Deployment testing responsibilities
    • Mayo development team responsibilities
    • NCI development team responsibilities

Sara, Shireesha, Phil



Jacob, Yeon (Systems Team)


Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


3:30 PM - 4:00 PM3W030

FHIR and terminology services (CTS2)

  • Harold to provide update on CTS2 and FHIR.


Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


4:00 PM - 5:00 PM3W030

OWL Restrictions in LexGrid Model

  • Discuss approach and propose additional features.
  • Determine if there are LexEVS model changes needed.
  • Loader considerations.
  • Additional problems and solutions


Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


5:00 PM - 5:30 PM3W030

Overflow/Additional Topics



Discussion Points:

Decision Points:

Friday, December 2nd, 2016



Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


9:00 AM - 10:00 AM1W030

LexEVS Admin

Discuss current and future requirements.

  • GUI
    • Consider a web based tool.  A simple way to look at the data.
  • Command Line loader requirements
  • Other considerations


Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM1W030

Prioritization and Debrief

  • Discuss OWL2, RRF, LexEVS, CTS2, Browser, and all previous topics
    • Discuss future architecture
  • Determine next steps/road map and priorities


Discussion Points:

Decision Points:


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM1W030

Prioritization and Debrief (Continued if needed)



Discussion Points:

Decision Points:




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