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Please be advised that NCI Wiki will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, May 23rd between 1200 ET and 1300 ET.
Wiki will remain available, but users may experience screen refreshes or HTTP 502 errors during the maintenance period. If you encounter these errors, wait 1-2 minutes, then refresh your page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBIIT Atlassian Management Team.

  1. On the Manage DT4 Information for Your Center page, select one or more trials that have been assigned to program codes.
  2. Click Replace (at the bottom of the page). The Replace Program Code Assignments dialog box appears with two lists. The first list includes all program codes assigned to any selected trial.
    Replace Program Code Assignments dialog box
  3. In the first list, select the program code that you want to replace. The second list includes all program codes for the organization family. However, the one you selected in the first list becomes unavailable for selection in the second list.
  4. In the second list, select one or more target program codes.
  5. Click OK. The Program Code(s) column reflects your changes.
  • No labels