The Asserted Value Set services are integrated parts of the LexEVS API. It provides several functions:
- Getting Source Asserted Value Sets as CodingScheme or Coding Scheme reference objects
- Getting the entities of Source Asserted Value Sets as ResolvedConceptReference objects as Lists or Iterators
- Getting a list of all unique identifiers of value set top nodes from this source terminology
- Getting a list of all schemes used to resolve a given set of values from a resolved value set coding scheme
Most coding scheme representations and entity reference sets are resolved by the unique URL of the coding scheme. Some allow a definition of a concept or text match. All methods offer a resolution service to some set of values. These mechanisms are largely read functions requiring a listing of known values or an exact match of a unique identifier. Only one method offers what could be classified as a search.
SourceAssertedValueSetService Class Diagram
LexEVS Asserted Value Set Definition Services API
LexEVS Asserted Value Set Services provides three major functions:
- List function
- Read function
- Search function
Each of these functions are described in following sections.
List Functions
- List all value sets as coding schemes
- List all value set entities in the asserted source system
List All Value Sets As Fully Populated Coding Schemes
Description: | Lists all coding schemes each with its own entity set fully resolved |
Input: | none |
Output: | List<CodingScheme> |
Exception: | LBException |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
List all Coding Schemes Without Entities
Description: | Lists all coding schemes – no entities resolved |
Input: | none |
Output: | List<CodingScheme> |
Exception: | LBException |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
Coding Scheme Read Functions
- Get value sets by concept reference - Input an object that matches namespace and unique code of a value set member to return a list of containing schemes
- Get value sets by entity code - input is entity code only, no namespace is defined to read the value set that contains this as a value set member
- Get a single value set for its unique URI - The input should be an unique identifier for a coding scheme representation of a value set in the system
- Get a value set or value sets defined by a unique entity - The input is a unique entity code that identifies the top node of a given value set
- Get scheme references for a coding scheme representation - Pulls from a coding scheme those schemes from which the entities of the coding scheme representation of the value set is derived.
Get Value Sets by Concept Reference
Description: | Lists all coding schemes containing a particular concept reference |
Input: | ConceptReference ref - Configurable to contain both the unique identifier and the namespace of the target coding scheme (both are tied to the asserting source in this case) |
Output: | List<CodingScheme> |
Exception: | none |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
Get Value Sets For Entity Code
Description: | Lists all coding schemes that have a top node defined by a unique entity code |
Input: | String matchCode: unique identifier of the top node entity |
Output: | List<CodingScheme>: Might be more than one value set defined by this top node. |
Exception: | LBException |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
Get a Single Value Set for Its Unique URL
Description: | Gets a coding scheme representation of a value set based on its unique URI designation |
Input: | URI uri: unique identifier of the top node entity wrapped in a URI object |
Output: | CodingScheme: The coding scheme representation of the value set represented by this uniquely identifying URI |
Exception: | LBException |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
Get Coding Scheme References for Any Source Schemes Used to Resolve a Coding Scheme Representation of a Value Set
Description: | Gets minimal representations of coding schemes based on what was used to resolve a value set |
Input: | CodingScheme cs: CodingScheme object with full metadata populated, entity representation not necessary |
Output: | AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList: Might be more than one coding scheme that defines this value set |
Exception: | none |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
Concept Reference Read Functions
- Get references for unique URI identifier - Unique identifier returns all value set members of that coding scheme representation of a value set.
- Get a list of string unique identifiers of references that are a top node - All top nodes of a system are returned based on the identification of the node that has a reference to the top of the hierarchy
Get Resolved Concept References for the Coding Scheme Unique Identifier
getSourceAssertedValueSetIteratorForURI getSourceAssertedValueSetEntitiesForURI
Description: | Gets Resolved Concept Reference representations of entity values in a value set based on the unique identifier of the coding scheme representation |
Input: | String uri: String representation of the coding scheme unique identifier |
Output: | ResolvedConceptReferenceList or ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator: Entities listed or iterated over that are members of the value set defined by the unique URI designation |
Exception: | none |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
Get Top Node References
Description: | Gets String references to all top node leaves under a root node |
Input: | String rootCode: String representation of the unique identifier of the Asserted Value Set root entity |
Output: | List<String>: String references to entity top node designations of the Asserted Value Sets |
Exception: | none |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
Search Function
- Get value set coding scheme reference based on a text match for a member entity - Can be used with a text match algorithm determining match type.
Get a Value Set from Text Match
Description: | Gets minimal coding scheme references of value sets for a text match |
Input: | String matchText: Text to match on for contains, exact, other algorithms as allowed. MatchAlgorithm matchType: Type of matching for any given match type in this enum. |
Output: | List<AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference>: String references to entity top node designations of the Asserted Value Sets |
Exception: | LBException |
Implementation Details: | Implementation:
System Testing
The System test case for the LexEVS Value Set Definition service is performed using the JUnit test suite:
This API is largely used as support for the LexEVSResolvedValueSetService but both test classes are run as part of regular LexEVS test suite AllTestsNormalConfigs.
Installation / Packaging
Value Set Definition Services are integrated parts of core LexEVS API and are packaged and installed with other LexEVS services.