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Double Metaphone Implementation Details

Search with the Lucene query syntax, using a 'sounds like' algorithm.


The Double Metaphone search has the following characteristics:

  • This search is case in-sensitive. 
  • It searches on the double metaphone property value.   
  • Parsing is done with the following analyzer:

    • dm_propertyValue - Uses our custom double metaphone analyzer.  This has the following filters:

      • LowerCaseFilter - for setting to lowercase
      • StopFilter - to remove stop words (the, a, etc.) from the search
      • DoubleMetaphoneFilter - for testing double metaphone sounds

Example of use:

The following examples are based on the Automobiles coding scheme.

Example 1:

Search string: Automobeel

Lucene query: dm_propertyValue:ATMP

Result: 1 result

  • entity code: A0001
  • entity description: Automobile

Example 2:
Search string: kar truk

Lucene query: +dm_propertyValue:KR +dm_propertyValue:TRK

Result: 0 results

  • entity code:
  • entity description:

Associated JUnits:

Junits can be found here:



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