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We’ve done a lot of work in preparing canine images on the ICDC side and getting them curated through TCIA.  The next step is to figure out how best to link them up to ICDC. 

  • Does this involve going through IDC? 

  • How should the linkage work?

  • Should they be stored on IDC or TCIA or ICDC?

  • What metadata minimums do we think will be needed for searching across data commons and do we have those in place? 

  • Are the answers different for Slides which are available for our COTC007B foundational study (presumably TIFs) vs. MRIs (DICOM)?

This meeting will explore these questions and more that result.

Discussion items


Workflow for radiology images - going through TCIA for de-identification.  Justin Kirby's thoughts: assuming we stick with process for Glioma, TCIA continues to do initiate curation.  As data sets are posted, IDC is ingesting all TCIA public data sets into Google Cloud.  IDC will get them by default.  Does ICDC want to provide download functionality? Data analysis through IDC?  David says there is mostly homo sapiens data in TCIA with some mus musculus.  Pathology images will also be shared with IDC from TCIA.  ICDC is trying to understand how to link to this data in IDC. Recommended to link to IDC and TCIA.  Maintain two copies of data: TCIA and IDC.  Need to validate metadata in IDC.  Two use cases: 1) users search for cohort on ICDC and take that to IDC; 2) users search for cohort on IDC.

Canine images are going through same workflow at TCIA as other images going to IDC.

Which set of metadata?  Metadata in ICDC will be different from that in IDC.  Species will be in header for images.  Dicom header information should be rich with metadata from ICDC (may require API or spreadsheets to transfer from ICDC to TCIA for inclusion in the images).

Starting point will be to link Collections from IDC/TCIA to Studies in ICDC.  Users will go from ICDC to IDC/TCIA to view/download the images.

Action items
