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Init1bes1.pm9.U0 - Side-by-side Comparison of Information Models

Use Case Number


Brief Description

To date, metadata browsing in caBIG has not easily facilitated reuse of large portions of models.  It is highly desirable for an Information Modeler to provide side-by-side comparison of their model with those that are already registered in the metadata repository.  The goal of such a comparison is to identify differences in the models that may ultimately result in gaps in interoperability.  The side-by-side comparison should be easy to perform, be customizable, and provide (minimally) a round-trip with the modeling tool.

Actor(s) for this particular use case

Information Modeler

The state of the system before the user interacts with it

The Information Modeler has created a partial or complete model to compare to other registered model. 

Post condition
The state of the system after the user interacts with it

The Information Modeler has selected the model additions that he would like copied back into his modeling tool.

Steps to take
The step-by-step description of how users will interact with the system to achieve a specific business goal or function

  1. The Information Modeler enters the model comparison process (through his modeling tool or an external model browser)
  2. The model comparison shows in a tabular fashion the differences between his model and the one that he is comparing it to
    1. The Information Modeler should be able to select those model details and semantic details that he wishes to display in the table
    2. In addition to the automated comparisons, the Information Modeler should be able to manually connect pieces of the model that he knows to be "equivalent"
    3. The comparison should facilitate understanding the commonalities and differences through the use of color coding
    4. The comparison should be sortable by level of reuse (e.g. entire CDE reuse, partial reuse, etc.)
  3. The Information Modeler selects those model items that he would like to extract into his modeling tool for addition to his model (e.g. classes, attributes, associations, etc.)

Alternate Flow
Things which would prevent the normal flow of the use case

  • It is not necessary that the initial model created by the Information Model be registered in the metadata repository, but, if so, it must be possible to "unregister" the model should the Information Modeler choose.
  • An equivalent graphical flow should be provided that shows the models side-by-side in a typical UML graphical view
  • An equivalent tabular and graphical flow should be provided for adding additional models to compare (i.e. more than 2)

The priority of implementing the use case: High, Medium or Low


Associated Links
The brief user stories, each describing the user interacts with the system for the one function only of the use case. There would potentially be a number of user stories that make up the use case.

Init1bes1 - Compare Semantic metadata

Fit criterion/Acceptance Criterion 
How would actor describe the acceptable usage scenarios for the software or service that meets the actor's requirement?

  • The tool MUST provide a round-trip with the modeling tool, either through direct integration of the modeling tool or file export/import (e.g. via XMI)
  • The tool MUST provide a mechanism for the Information Modeler to extract model portions for reuse in his own model

  • No labels