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This section provides instructions for recording the progress of a trial along its processing life cycle.

About Milestones

Milestones are used to record the progress of a trial along its processing life cycle and to establish the processing status. The system establishes some milestones at specific events during the process. For example, it sets the trial processing status to "Submitted" for a trial that has not yet been validated, and to "Accepted" once the trial has been validated and accepted.

The system records milestones as sets by submission number. For example, an original trial has one set of milestones (one submission), but an amended trial may have two or more submissions. Each subsequent submission has its own set of recorded milestones.

The figure below illustrates the trial milestones for an accepted trial.

Trial Milestones and Add Milestone section of Trial Milestones page, with two records

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Viewing and Adding Milestones 

Because milestones indicate the progress of a trial, you can view, but not change recorded milestones. However, you can add records throughout the life cycle of the trial submission. You can not add milestones to trials that are currently on hold.

For trials with one or more amendments, the system displays milestones in sets, one for each submission. You can add milestones only when the Submission Number is the Active Milestone set, as shown below.

Trial Milestones page annotated to indicate the active submission set

If you select an Inactive Submission set, that is, one that contains a previous submission, you can not add new milestones. In the figure below, the selected Submission Number is 5 (out of 6 submissions).

Trial Milestones page annotated to indicate an inactive submission set

An abstractor can reject an amendment submission without rejecting the whole trial.

Trial Milestones page with rejected amendment, annotated to indicate an inactive submission set

If an abstractor has rejected an amendment submission, the system displays the last Active milestone set by default, as shown below.

Trial Milestones page with the last active submission set

How to View and Add Milestones

  1. In any list of trial search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for the trial of interest.
  2. On the Trial Overview menu, click Trial Milestones. The Trial Milestones page appears and displays all milestones recorded to date.
  3. To add a milestone, in the Add Milestone section at the bottom of the page, select the milestone you want to add from the drop-down list. The following sections list valid milestones, processing statuses, and the rules for recording them. For milestone definitions, see Trial milestone definitions.
  4. In the Date field, enter the milestone date. The system enters the current date by default.
  5. In the Comment field, type the action that triggered the milestone, or any comments about the event. The comments field is limited to 200 characters.

  6. Click Add Milestone.
    If you are adding Late Rejection milestone to an amended trial, the system gives you a choice.
    Message that appears when you reject an amended trial, with two choices.
  7. If this message appears, select Reject Entire Trial or select Reject This Amendment Only.
    The system displays the milestone at the bottom of the list of milestones in the Trial Milestones section of the page.
  8. Repeat the steps above after you complete each abstraction update as appropriate.

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Un-rejecting a Trial

A Super Abstractor can un-reject a trial that has a processing status of Rejected.

How to Un-reject a Trial

  1. In any list of trial search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for the trial of interest.
  2. On the Trial Overview menu, click Trial Milestones. The Trial Milestones page appears and displays all milestones recorded to date.
    Trial Milestones page showing a rejected trial
  3. In the Add Milestone section at the bottom of the page, click Un-Reject Trial. The system prompts you to provide a comment.
    Dialog box for entering a comment when un-rejecting a trial
  4. Type a comment and click OK. The system appends your comment (along with a date/time-stamp and your user name) to the comments for the previously active milestone. The system displays information about this un-reject operation on the Trial Milestones page and on the Submissions tab of the Trial History Information page.

Milestone Recording Rules

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Your ability to record milestones depends on trial processing statuses. The following diagram illustrates the basic workflow of trial processing statuses. The rules that follow it provide more detailed information about the order in which you can record the milestones.

Diagram showing workflow for recording trial milestones

The following rules determine the order in which you can record the milestones:

  • You can record most milestones multiple times per trial, following the order of the trial submission processing life cycle. However, you can add the following milestones only once per trial submission:
    • Submission Received Date
    • Submission Rejection Date
    • Initial Abstraction Verified Date
    • Initial Submission to
  • You cannot record milestones with a future date.
  • Each milestone date must follow the preceding milestone date. 

If the most current processing status is this...

You can record this milestone


Submission Received Date

Accepted and all Administrative and Scientific abstraction activities have been completed

QC Completed Date. 

Recording this milestone sets the trial processing status to Abstracted and Trial Verification Date to the date that you record this milestone.

Verification Pending and a Submitter TSR Feedback Date milestone has been recorded

Initial Abstraction Verified Date.
Recording the Initial Abstraction Verified Date manually sets the trial processing status to Abstraction Verified Response.

Verification Pending and a Submitter TSR Feedback Date milestone has not been recorded

Initial Abstraction Verified Date.
Recording the Initial Abstraction Verified Date manually sets the trial processing status to Abstraction Verified No Response.

Abstraction Verified Response

On-going Abstraction Verified Date

Abstraction Verified No Response

On-going Abstraction Verified Date


Trial Summary Report Date.
Recording the Trial Summary Report Date changes the processing status to Verification Pending

Submission Terminated

Submission Reactivated Date. This is the only milestone that you can record after the Submission Terminated Date.
Recording this milestone returns the trial to its previous milestone.

If the most current processing status is this...

You can not record this milestone


Trial Summary Report Date


Trial Summary Report Date

This date...

Must precede this date

Ready for Administrative QC Date

Administrative QC Start Date

Ready for Scientific QC Date

Scientific QC Start Date

Administrative QC Start Date

Administrative QC Completion Date

Scientific QC Start Date

Scientific QC Completion Date

TSR Date

Submitter TSR Feedback Date

Administrative Processing Start Date

Administrative Processing Completed Date

Scientific Processing Start Date

Scientific Processing Completed Date

Submission Terminated Date

Submission Reactivated Date

You can not record this milestone...

If this is true

QC Start Date

  • an on-hold state is not terminated

Trial Summary Report Date

  • an on-hold state is not terminated
  • the trial is in the Inbox

Submitter Trial Summary Report Feedback Date

  • an on-hold state is not terminated
  • the trial is in the Inbox

Initial Abstraction Verified Date

  • an on-hold state is not terminated
  • the trial is in the Inbox

Initial Submission to

  • an on-hold state is not terminated
  • the trial is in the Inbox

On-going Abstraction Verified Date

  • an on-hold state is not terminated
  • the trial is in the Inbox

Late Rejection Date

  • an on-hold state is not terminated
  • the trial is in the Inbox

Ready for QC Date

  • Scientific Processing Completed Date has not been recorded, and
  • Administrative Processing Completed Date has not been recorded

Submission Terminated Date

The trial has been rejected

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Milestone Definitions

The following table lists processing milestones and their definitions.



Submission Received Date

Date the trial was successfully submitted via the NCI CTRP Registration Site

Submission Acceptance Date

Date the document specialist accepted the trial submission for validation

Submission Rejection Date

Date the document specialist rejected the trial submission during validation

Administrative Processing Start Date

Date of initial abstraction of administrative details

Administrative Processing Completed Date

Date the abstraction of administrative details was completed

Scientific Processing Start Date

Date of initial abstraction of the scientific details

Scientific Processing Completed Date

Date the abstraction of scientific details was completed

Ready for Administrative QC Date

Date the trial abstraction of administrative data was completed and available for Quality Control (QC) of the administrative data

Ready for Scientific QC Date

Date the trial abstraction of scientific data was completed and available for Quality Control (QC) of the scientific data

Administrative QC Start Date

Date of initial QC of administrative data

Scientific QC Start Date

Date of initial QC of scientific data

Administrative QC Start Date

Date of initial QC of the administrative data

Scientific QC Start Date

Date of initial QC of the scientific data

Administrative QC Completed Date

Date that QC of the administrative data was completed

Scientific QC Completed Date

Date that QC of the scientific data was completed

Ready for Trial Summary Report Date

Date the abstraction was completed. The system adds this milestone automatically.

Trial Summary Report Date

Date the Trial Summary Report was sent to the principal investigator or trial submitter. The system adds this milestone automatically.

Special treatment of TSRs for Abbreviated Trials

The system does not send Trial Summary Reports for Abbreviated Trials. You can download the TSRs for these trials from the Trial Related Documents page as needed.

Submitter Trial Summary Report Feedback Date

Date input was received by a document specialist from a principal investigator or trial submitter regarding data contained on the Trial Summary Report

Initial Abstraction Verified Date

Date the document specialist recorded that the abstracted data was verified upon receipt of the submitter's TSR feedback. Equal to the TSR Sent Date plus six business days if the most current processing status is Abstracted. TSR feedback is due within five business days following the TSR Sent Date. The Initial Abstraction Verified Date can be later if no feedback is received.

(A business day is any weekday that is not a Federal holiday. For a list of Federal holidays, refer to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's list of Federal Holidays.)

On-going Abstraction Verified Date

Date the document specialist recorded that abstracted data was verified, following a post-verified status when there has been an abstraction update or a delay in the submitter's feedback

Late Rejection Date

Date the document specialist rejected the trial submission at any time after initial trial acceptance 1

Submission Terminated Date

Date the document specialist stopped the trial submission process

Submission Reactivated Date

Date the document specialist resumed the trial submission process

  1. The Late Rejection Date applies to both original and amendment submissions.

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Trial Processing Life Cycle

The following diagram illustrates the typical life cycle of a trial and the relationship between actions and processing statuses:

Diagram of a typical life cycle of a trial, as described in the text

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Trial Summary Report Life Cycle

Trial Summary Reports (TSRs) keep submitters and/or principal investigators informed about the progress of their trials throughout the processing life cycle. They contain all the submitted, abstracted, and amended data elements in the system to date.

The system generates TSRs upon the document specialist’s request via the trial search functionality, via the View TSR option on the Trial Overview menu, and via abstraction validation. TSRs are also generated and emailed to the submitter when the Trial Summary Report Sent Date milestone is recorded.

TSR feedback from the submitter or principal investigator triggers milestone events in the system. The table below shows the relationships between processing life cycle, milestone events, and TSRs.

Life Cycle Phase/Milestone

TSR Sent From

To Recipient

Send TSR/TSR Sent Date


  • Submitter
  • Trial Owner
  • Site Administrator (if the administrator's affiliated organization is the trial's lead organization, or the site administrator has been explicitly added as a trial owner)

Receive TSR feedback/Submitter TSR Feedback Date

Submitter (with feedback)


Trial amendments follow a similar system of reporting and feedback as the original submission, though the TSR includes additional amendment-related data.

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