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Discussion items


Java 17
  • Migration to Java 17
    • Terms browser jenkins/Tomcat working on Dev
      • Deployment progress to QA and higher?
      • Ready to push to Stage?
    • CTS2 build/Jenkins working.
      • Some changes to main LexEVS to address spring error
      • Has few users - maybe retire entirely
      • Spring and castor conflicts
      • Check MySQL version
    • NCIm work nearly ready
      • On QA?
      • Ready for Stage?
    • NCI Term Form - Check for Java 17 tag. Might be fixed, needs testing
      • Working on Dev
      • QA?
      • Stage?

Production NCI Terms
  • issues on Prod
    • Now blocking all traffic from Singapore
    • Still seems like a whack-a-mole approach
    • Chuck requested programming examination of errors
      • needs response
  • Performance was good for a couple of weeks but traffic ramping up again
  • Goal: Have the new servers with Java 17 running in the next 6 weeks.

They have initiated tracking on this server. F5 Analytics has been enabled, will monitor to see what kind of data is produced.

System migration
  • Prod and Stage completed Testing
  • DataQA - no longer needed with retirement
  • Check with systems - See if we can test prod2 data deployment

SumoLogic to DataDog
  • All logs reporting
  • Outstanding feature requests
    • Maintain 45 days of data to allow for month-end reports
    • Allow export of month-end report from DataDog to a document.
  • Who will take over these reports?

  • Create ticket to have Jason able to see EVS Dashboard

Tier changes

DataQA updates no longer needed

Processing server

Looking at update of Java

Mayo contract ending
  • Mayo Contact ends August 30
  • LexEVS associated applications - end Dec 31st
  • Gap Analysis for cloud based applications
    • nci term form functionality - first round in QA
    • Fully functional - estimated October
  • Checklist of tasks
    • Set up meeting to go over this once Chao gets back - Tuesday?
  • Data promotion process - only to EVS Rest API - SOP updates
    • Check with Chao
  • Add redirections to LexEVS based services
    • Banners first - August? Once all terminologies available?
    • Work with systems for URL redirections - meeting next week
  • Inventory of any supporting sites/docs
  • Examine any updates to metrics
    • Some DataDog metrics will be obsolete - removed Jan 2025
  • Map of services under new structure
    • Most of the AWS service tagged informally
  • Report Exporter - future?
  • Update/document processing applications and scripts
    • moved to ops-scripts
    • Tracy working on documenting those
    • Knowledge transfer of apps and scripts
  • Who will support what?
  • ncimvn survival and ownership?

  • Organization
    • Checklists
    • Schedule
    • Documentation
    • Training and Handoff
  • Communication
    • Regular meetings
    • Link redirection and migration
    • Banners
    • Announcements
  • Operations
    • Data Processing
    • Metrics dashboard
    • Infrastructure resources
      • Github
      • Maven
      • Jenkins
    • Data deployments
  • Code
    • Dependency identification
    • Java 17
    • Code Review
    • Report Exporter
    • CTS2

Action items
