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Please be advised that NCI Wiki will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, May 23rd between 1200 ET and 1300 ET.
Wiki will remain available, but users may experience screen refreshes or HTTP 502 errors during the maintenance period. If you encounter these errors, wait 1-2 minutes, then refresh your page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBIIT Atlassian Management Team.

4.0. Now that you've uploaded your clinical data and learned how to query it, you're ready to do the same with your array and mapping data. To review, you'll need the server host name for your caArray data, the experiment ID, and your mapping and control training CSV files.

To begin, navigate back to the 'Edit study' page for the 'Demo Study for ICR Folks'. If you forgot how to do this, you can refer to step 1.1 in this tutorial.

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