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4.2. On the 'Edit Genomic Data Source' page, most of the fields are pre-populated with default values. These include the server hostname, which is set to As it happens, this is the server where our example array data is stored.

Every data source in caArray has a unique experiment ID that distinguishes it from the other sources. You can enter the ID for your experiment in the 'caArray Experiment Id' field, which is about halfway down the page. If you don't enter the ID for your source, then caIntegrator won't be able to retrieve your data, and will display an error message to that effect. In our example, the experiment ID is 'jacob-00182', which we enter in the field.

If your server hostname or any of the other values for your data source differ from the default values, then enter them into their respective fields, then click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page. (Remember that, if your data source is private, you must enter its login credentials into the 'Username' and 'Password' fields.)

screenshot illustrating step

Enter the values for your data source if they differ from the default values, then click on the 'Save' button (highlighted in red). Don't forget to enter your caArray experiment ID – the ID for our example source is 'jacob-00182'.

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