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4.5. Your mapping CSV file must map the subject IDs in your annotations to the sample IDs in the unmapped samples list. A screenshot of the mapping file used in this tutorial, taken from a Microsoft Excel 2007 window, is shown below. The file is a table of two columns with no headings; the first column contains IDs of the subjects from the annotation source and the second column contains IDs from the unmapped samples list. Each subject in the left column corresponds to the sample in the right column. Note that the file doesn't map every single sample ID from the data source.

screenshot illustrating step

This CSV file maps the subject IDs from our annotation source (left column) to the sample IDs in our genomic source (right column).

To add your mapping CSV file to the study, click on the 'Choose File' button next to the 'Subject to Sample Mapping File' label.

screenshot illustrating step
Click on the ‘Choose File’ button (highlighted in red) to choose a mapping file to open.

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