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5.8. Back on the 'Query Results' page, there are now two additional columns of data: Sample ID and EGFR. The value in the EGFR column represents the median of the gene's expression levels for the corresponding subject and sample. Note that the screenshot below only displays the first five results in the list; you can scroll down the list via the bar at the right to view the rest of the results.

screenshot illustrating step
The query results now show two additional columns: Sample ID and EGFR. The latter represents median EGFR expression values. Click on the 'Save query as…' tab (highlighted in red) to save these results for future reference.

To save this query in caIntegrator for future reference, click on the 'Save query as..' tab at the top of the page, then enter a query name and description in the respective fields, and click on the 'Save Query' button at the bottom.

screenshot illustrating step

Enter a query name and query description in the respective text fields, then click on the 'Save Query' button (highlighted in red) to save the query for future reference.

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