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Mongkolwat P., Kleper, V., Talbot, S., Young, N., Flanders A.E.; Using the caBIG® Annotation and Imaging Markup (AIM) Template to Capture and Generate AIM Information Objects for Imaging Research and Reporting for the Clinical Use; Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL November 2011.
Mongkolwat P., Rubin D., Kleper, V, Talbot, S., Chen, J, Knight, N., Siegel, E.; The caBIG® Annotation and Image Markup (AIM) Version 4.0 and AIM Template Enterprise Service (ATES) for Annotating Images: NIH Research Festival, Bethesda, MD, October 2012.
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Mongkolwat, P., Rubin, D.L., Kleper, V., Chen, J.J., Siegel E.L.; Structured Reporting with the caBIG® Annotation and Image Markup (AIM) Template Builder for AIM Version 4.0; Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL November 2012.
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