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The team prepares the model mapping as described in the following table. 

StepStep NameModel CuratorCentral CurationModel ExpertcaDSR System
aRegister Model Mapping (between Two Models)YesYesYes
bGenerate Semantic Mapping

cGenerate Value Mapping

dRecord Transformation Rules for Derived CharacteristicsYesYesYes
eGenerate Pseudocode for Review/Documentation

fReview/Update Value Mapping

gValidate Model MappingYes

If you are a model mapping expert, you can take the following steps: 

  1. Create a model mapping between two models, as described in Creating a Model Mapping Instance
  2. Import model mapping details, as described in Importing Updates to Registered Model Mappings
  3. Generate semantics, as described in Generating a Semantic Map and a Value Map
  4. Review and update transformation rules, as described in Reviewing and Updating Transformation Rules

If you want to start over from the import, delete and purge all rules first. For additional guidance, refer to Mapping Rule Examples

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